If you are familiar with either Venus in the Kitchen or Love’s Cookery Book, you’ll likely already know that wild birds, including turkey, can potentially have a number of sexual benefits. If not, you’ll likely at least know that turkey makes you want to take a good, long nap after consumption. Are the two connected? If so, how exactly does turkey increase your sexual appetite?
A Brief Background On Turkey Meat
You likely don’t need anyone telling you that turkey meat is traditionally served and eaten as the main course of Thanksgiving dinner in the United States and Canada. It is usually also a popular option for Christmas meals as well. Despite this, it is a meat that has been eaten by the indigenous people of Mexico, Central America, and the southern United States since antiquity. It was during the 15th century that Spanish conquistadors introduced Aztec turkeys to Europe. In parts of England, the consumption of turkey meat can be dated back to the early 16th century.
However, before the 20th century, it was pork ribs, that was the go-to food option for most North American holidays. Turkeys quickly replaced this tradition because they were so abundant at the time. In fact, they were so abundant during the early years that they were eaten regularly. The pork was not so much available outside of the Thanksgiving-New Year season. It was in Britain in the 17th century that the tradition of serving turkey at Christmas developed among the working class. However, it was also common to serve goose, and this is something that remained predominant until the Victorian Age.
How Does Turkey Enhance Sexual Desires
Turkey is not only known for promoting good blood flow, but it also promotes norepinephrine production. Norepinephrine is something that boosts sex drive. That being said, turkey meat doesn’t boast much of a rich aphrodisiac history. However, it did have one major supporter, and that supporter was none other than the great artist Salvador Dali. He was always known for living on the edge and was a fan of the bird and left several recipes behind.
Best Way To Consume Turkey Meat As An Aphrodisiac
The best thing about turkey meat is that you don’t have to do anything special to it in order to get the aphrodisiac effects. Just continue consuming it as you normally have. However, if you want to enhance the effects, you can combine it with other know aphrodisiacs like cranberries, sweet potatoes, nutmeg, and wine. Now, that would be a true holiday feast that’ll get you right in the mood for some midday loving.